This was in N gauge, which was marginally larger than 000. N gauge is scaled at 1∶152, which results in a track gauge of 9.42 mm between the rails, as opposed to the 9mm for 000. Being electrified, the alloy track was laid on insulating plastic sleepers. Track pieces were joined by fishplates. The design of the track was different, using much wider radius curves, a failing of the shorter radius push-along curves.

The electric powered locomotives were different, with a choice of BR Class 23 Derby Sulzer and or Class 24 Baby Deltic diesel locomotives instead of the steam locomotives. These were in BR green.
Coaches were developments on the BR Main Line Coach, with a Perspex window slotted inside. They came in both BR crimson and Southern green liveries, with additional stencilled detail on the side, such as coach number and passenger class.
Wagons were from the same diecast 000 mould but often finished in a different colour schemes.
All rolling stock came with hook and eye couplings, used in most model railway designs.
The packaging names were all prefixed EL, e.g. EL80 for the Brake van. A detailed catalogue of the range can be found at Irwins Journal.