This was an ex-LMS Fowler design Jinty class 0-6-0T locomotive, built between 1924 and 1931.
Detail included cylinders, moulded pistons and valve gear, chimney, dome, whistle and hand grab rails on the boiler. Riveting was also shown.
The livery gloss black with high relief lining and motif picked out in red. Initial production had a locomotive with high relief for its lining and BR motif. Other liveries existed, with maroon, green and black and a metallic blue all applied (though never in actual working life, as well as any lining). Later, the high relief gave way to stencilled colours. a matt black livery with yellow lining and British Railways motif was applied. The front and rear buffer beams were picked out in red.
The couplings of these locomotives were only at the back, either a cast ring tow bar or a downward pin.
The early production had a bare metal chassis and wheels. The middle pair of wheels did not have flanges. Later, the wheels were given a varnish like finish. Plastic wheels were introduced later.